Life's Nightmare....
Have you ever wondered what it feels like to lose your memory? Not to remember WHO you are, WHERE you're from, WHAT you are?
Dementia....the word itself makes me shudder, then what about LUPUS? the reason I'm bringing this topic up is because I might lose my mum to a sickness similiar to memory lost thanks to LUPUS.
Right now, I have no strenght to type much about this sickening desease that torments me and my family's soul.
Watch this prize-winning video produced by Vinn Bay and Tee Boon Leng for a video competition as part of the ADI (Alzheimer's Disease International) conference in March 2009. The Health Promotion Board ...Let this be one of life's learning lesson's to appreciate our elders too!
Ps: Who knew loading a video could take so looong?
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