Last weekend (29th Nov 2008) mua and my aunt Lily went for a gurls day out. She pampered me with pedicure at O.U.G, (to which she had earlier promised me months ago) while she had both Mani & Pedi which I totally regret not following cuz they did this toootaaally cool design of santa claus and a snowman on each toe!
After that, we went for "Threading" which was my first time...and boy have I only got one thing to say for all first timers or rather what my dear aunt joking calls "Virgin Hairs" that is...BE PREPARED, BE V-E-R-Y PREPARED FOR...P-A-I-N!!!
Thank god my aunt was beside me cuz I was sooo on the verge of cursing my lungs out!! And the nice owner of the shop assured me as they instruct me to lay my head backwards that "Its not pain gurl, trust me u'll like it" to which I naively believed...the moment that thread pulled my eyebrows, I was all red and near literally!!
I keep whimpering like a lil lost puppy...till they were satisfied of making it perfect *Which lasted only for like..5 MIns!!*...(Oh,the things we woman would go thru just in the name of HOLY BEAUTY!!) but not without giving me dissaproval of making accurate hunches that I'd shave my eyebrows recently. You see, I never really mastered the art of shaving the damn eyebrows, my beloved sister Mandy would happily do it for me each time I sleepover at her place.So lately I'd tried doing it by my own, which obviously didn't seem successful as they "Tssk tssk" me and made me promised to not shave but let them do thier magic for perfect eyebrows for me.In which I did, though I have to say the end result is well worth the ~!@# damn pain. I would deffinitely do it again mind you.
After they were done with me, it was my aunt's turn. Now, here's my first ever glimpse of a unique art of threading (which obviously I couldn't see as I was being threaded earlier!) and boy was I surprised!!It turns out they just used a normal thread, yet it is TRULY an art of techniques as they deftly, and motionlessly twist and twirl the thread and pull out those tricky corners of small eyebrow hairs (How Cool!)
I'll try to capture a picture and post it up for y'all to see when I go for the next threading session! Ciao~Bella <3